Where to Put Highlighters: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide on “Where to Put Highlighters: A Step-by-Step Guide.” Achieving that ideal shine includes something other than swiping a highlighter across your cheekbones. In this article, we’ll separate the process into five straightforward advances, covering all that from picking the right shade to vital application strategies. Whether you’re a cosmetics fledgling or a beauty pro, follow with as we uncover the key to a brilliant and faultless highlight. Let’s dive in!

1. Choosing the Right Highlighter Shade

Finding the ideal highlighter shade is the pivotal initial move towards accomplishing a radiant look. Your highlighter should complement your skin tone, giving a characteristic shine that improves your features. Begin by evaluating your skin undertone — whether it’s warm, cool, or neutral. For light complexion, decide on champagne or pearl tones, while rose gold and peach shades function admirably for medium tones. Deep skin tones can embrace gold or bronze hues.

To further refine your choice, consider the occasion and your overall makeup look. Subtle, regular glam may call for a softer shade, while unique occasions could warrant a really dazzling touch. Experiment with various shades to find what suits you best.

Remember, the key is to improve, not overpower. The right highlighter shade will easily hoist your makeup routine, giving you that sought after lit-from-inside glow. Thus, jump into your assortment and find the tint that highlights your normal beauty.

2. Prepping Your Skin

Before diving into highlighter application, ensuring your skin is prepared and prepared is fundamental for a flawless finish. Follow these steps to create the perfect canvas:

Cleanse: Start with a spotless face to eliminate any pollution or leftover makeup. Use a delicate cleanser reasonable for your skin type.

Moisturize: Hydrated skin gives a smoother base to highlighter. Apply your favorite moisturizer to guarantee your skin is supported and prepared for makeup.

Primer: For long-lasting results, apply a fundamental that suits your skin type. This helps with darkening flaws, restricting pores, and making a smooth surface for makeup application.

Foundation/Base: Apply your preferred foundation or base makeup. This step levels out your skin tone as well as gives a foundation to the highlighter to stick to.

By incorporating these preparatory steps into your everyday practice, you’ll create an ideal base for highlighter application. Your skin will thank you, and your highlighter will consistently mix, bringing about an iridescent and polished look. Now that your skin is prepared, how about we continue on toward the thrilling part – applying highlighter decisively!

3. Applying Highlighter in 5 Steps

Now that your skin is prepped and ready, let’s delve into the art of applying highlighter in five simple yet effective steps:

  • Step 1: Find the Right Highlighter Shade
    • As discussed earlier, choose a shade that complements your skin tone and the overall makeup look you’re aiming for.
  • Step 2: Pick the Right Highlighter Applicator
    • The tool you use matters. Whether it’s a fan brush, tapered brush, or your fingertips, select an applicator that suits your preference and allows for precise application.
  • Step 3: Prep Your Skin
    • Revisit the importance of skin preparation. A well-hydrated and primed canvas ensures a smoother application and a more natural finish.
  • Step 4: Strategically Apply Highlighter
    • Create a “C” shape by clearing the highlighter along your cheekbones. Feature over your lips, down your nose, and on other high marks of your face like your temple bone and the internal corners of your eyes.
  • Step 5: How to Use Bronzer and Highlighter Together
    • For an extra radiant look, consider consolidating bronzer and highlighter. Apply bronzer to the region where the sun normally hits your face, similar to the temple, cheekbones, and nose extension, and afterward layer the highlighter strategically for a layered and sun-kissed impact.

By following these five steps, you’ll become amazing at highlighter application. Experiment with techniques to find what enhances your unique features, and get ready to shine with confidence!

4. Strategic Highlighter Application Techniques

Achieving a stunning highlight involves more than just sweeping product onto your face. Let’s explore strategic application techniques to make the most of your highlighter:

  • Pat it on in the shape of a C:
    • Gently pat the highlighter onto your skin in the shape of a “C” along your cheekbones. This technique accentuates your bone structure and gives a natural, lifted effect.
  • Highlight above the lips:
    • Apply a small amount of highlighter simply above your cupid’s bow (the V-shaped area above your upper lip). This trick adds an aspect to your lips and causes you to notice your pout.
  • Add a subtle swipe down your nose:
    • For a refined look, delicately swipe the highlighter down the scaffold of your nose. This creates a thinning impact and focuses on the center of your face.
  • Highlight Other High Points of Your Face:
    • Extend your application to other high points of your face, for example, the temple bone, the inward corners of your eyes, and the highest points of your cheekbones. This makes an all-around iridescent complexion.

By strategically applying highlighter utilizing these procedures, you’ll upgrade your natural elements and achieve a radiant sparkle that gets the light in all the ideal locations. Explore different avenues regarding these techniques to find the blend that best commendations your face shape and individual style. Get ready to shine!

5. Additional Tips and Considerations

As you embark on your journey to a flawless highlight, consider these additional tips and insights to elevate your makeup game:

  • Amp it up with lip balm:
    • For a dewy and cohesive look, consider adding a touch of highlighter to your favorite lip balm. Dab it onto the center of your lips for a plump and radiant finish.
  • Pro Tip: Avoid Highlighting these areas:
    • While highlighting enhances your features, it’s essential to avoid certain areas. Steer clear of highlighting any blemishes or areas with texture, as this can accentuate imperfections.
  • Pick the Right Highlighter Applicator:
    • Your choice of applicator can impact the outcome. Experiment with various brushes or your fingertips to find what turns out best for you. A fan brush is perfect for an unobtrusive, diffused sparkle, while a tightened brush takes into consideration more precision.
  • Step 5: How to Use Bronzer and Highlighter Together:
    • Combining bronzer and highlighter makes an amicable and layered look. Blend bronzer on areas where the sun naturally hits, then, at that point, strategically apply highlighter for a radiant, sun-kissed finish.

By incorporating these tips and contemplations into your highlighter routine, you’ll dominate the procedure as well as tweak it to suit your singular style and preferences. Now, furnished with these experiences, feel free to experiment to find the ideal featuring routine that draws out your natural beauty.


In conclusion, achieving the perfect highlight involves a thoughtful approach from shade selection to strategic application. This guide has provided a comprehensive journey, emphasizing the importance of complimenting your skin tone, preparing your canvas, and applying highlighter strategically. Remember to enhance, not overpower, and with additional tips, including the use of bronzer and careful consideration of application areas, you’re well-equipped to customize your highlighting routine. Armed with these insights, confidently experiment and discover the ideal method that accentuates your natural beauty, allowing you to shine with a radiant and flawless glow.

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